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Views & News

Claire Allan
Mar 2, 20224 min read
On writing The Nurse
On the day I submitted the first draft of The Nurse to my editor, the body of missing marketing executive Sarah Everard was discovered...
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Claire Allan
Jul 3, 20214 min read
On creating characters
When writing a novel, some writers come up with a great plot first. Me? It's always the 'voice' which comes to me first. I know this...
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Claire Allan
Jun 23, 20215 min read
Seven things about rejection
Bit of a bummer, isn't it? Rejection. It's definitely up near the top of the list of things that are sucky about writing for a living....
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Claire Allan
Jun 16, 20215 min read
Seven things about writing that I know now, but wish I knew then
I have always – and I mean always – wanted to be a writer. Some people may have dreamed of being a pop star, or a model, or an actress....
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